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Releasing Negativity

Helps with Trauma and PTSD

This is a program to help you with an overall emotional cleansing of negativity.  

We are the sum total of our experiences, which is to say that we are burdened by our pasts and the emotions we created at the time of difficulty or trauma. 

When we experience stress or fear in our lives, if we would look carefully, we would find that the cause is actually a stuck emotion based in our memories. 

Best with Quanta Capsule


Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona recreated this version of Ho'Oponopono from the traditional Hawaiian spiritual legacy.

Morrnah was chosen to be a kahuna while still a small child and received her gift of healing at the age of three. She was the daughter of a member of the court of Queen Liliuokalani, the last sovereign of the Hawaiian Islands. The process that is now brought forth is a modernization of an ancient spiritual cleansing ritual. It has proven so effective that she was invited to teach this method at the United Nations, the World Health Organization and at institutions of healing throughout the world.

Use this program to support cleansing unwanted energies.

Among the frequencies included:

  • Thank you

  • I love you

  • I am sorry

  • Please forgive me

Best with Quanta Capsule


This program offers BioAcoustic support  to elevate your personal frequencies to a higher level.  These frequencies are similar to prayer and meditation. They are specifically aligned with the "I Am Word" materials channeled by Paul Selig.  

The Masters say:

"We will speak now to what it means to become the Christ in frequency. It means that you align to a frequency, to a vibratory frequency, that is higher than the physical realm, and that is higher than the emotional realm, and that is higher than the mental planes. It is a high frequency. It is the causal frequency. And the frequency that it emits is one of high frequency that brings to it the Christ. You become that which you intend, and you cannot be that which you are not. Period."

Best with Quanta Capsule

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